Everyday You are My Love and My Sunshine

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

That was then

Looking at the list of sitcoms here, I could still remember seeing myself learning to listen in English.
I was still between 11 or 14 years old. Thanks to them, English became my 2nd language with ease :)), although I still have to learn it now.

Some of the shows I liked:

The Golden Girls
Kate and Allie
Brady Bunch
Growing Pains
Head of the Class
Mad About You
The Odd Couple
Perfect Strangers
Saved by the Bell
Who's the Boss? (Alyssa Milano was still a teenager!)
WKRP in Cincinnati
The Wonder Years (One of favorite, including the lyrics of the opening theme)

God, I didn't realize that I watched that much! That was then though.


Now if Celine is asked to show us her teeth, she will open her mount generously. She has around 8 of them now.


D80, 1/60s, f/2.8, 85mm, ISO 100, 28.11.2007

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can you see me taking the picture?


Friday, April 25, 2008

Anything for You

The previous entry talked about how time flies. Well, that's nothing compare to when I watch this video in youtube. It was 1989. I was still in secondary school, full of acne & still not tall at all :)). I keep thinking where some of my best friends are at the moment.


Nikon D80, 1/60 sec, f/3.2, 85mm, ISO 100, April 3, 2008.

Almost Two Years Ago

I found this picture in my flickr. How time flies & how those faces have changed.


Nikon D70s, 1/60 sec, f/4.2, 50 mm, No ISO information. Not taken by me. July 16th, 2006.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Toilet Training - A True Story


Hah, kayak judul film aja deh. Ini tadinya untuk merespon postingan dari rekan lain disini. Tapi karena panjang, dibuat jadi posting tersendiri aja akhirnya.

Susah memang, Bu. Wina aja setelah 2 tahun baru mulai. Itu juga harus 'sabar' banget, terutama sabar membersihkan lantai :)) (seperti yg dilakukan Celine).


1. Tiap 1 jam diajak ke toilet utk pipis. Dan krn saat itu dia tidak mau duduk di toilet, jadi dia harus berdiri atau nongkrong. Supaya dia senang, dibolehkan main air. Jadi kasihan krn seringnya dia belum mau pipis, setelah 10 menit masih belum & sudah basah bajunya main air :))
2. Diubah ke tiap 2 jam.
3. Setelah sekian lama, dia mau duduk di toilet, jadi lebih tidak capek berdiri dia.
4. Setelah sekian lama & berkat keuletan Bundanya, akhirnya berhasil juga. Cuma ternyata dia belum tahu bgm 'rasanya' mau pipis. Jadi sering masih dimana2 & harus sering ditanya.
5. Setelah sekian lama, baru deh dia tahu rasanya kalau mau pipis. Jadi dia tinggal teriak: "Mau kencing!" atau "Mau pee!"
Sekarang tinggal poo-nya :))
6. Setelah sekian lama, baru deh dia juga tahu rasanya kalau mau poo. :))
7. Sekarang & sudah lama dia tidak perlu pakai diaper lagi kalau keluar rumah, cuma masih pakai kalau tidur. Itu adalah langkah berikutnya.

Apakah untuk Celine harus lebih dini?


Friday, April 18, 2008

Weekend Mood

If I were Voldemort, Harry Potter could feel the pain on his scar because of my happiness :)). Nah, I'm exaggerating. But to be exact, I'm always confused when weekend comes. What should I do?

Playing football?


Playing with the kids?


Photo hunting?


Or coming to a friend's costume party? (Oh, sorry, that's next week.)

CNY Celebration by Esplanade


One of the picture.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Importing Some

I'll be importing some photo albums from flickr based on some request from friends who do not have flickr account. Most of my photos in flickr can only be seen by Contacts, Friends or Families (due to certain reason), therefore I need to import them here for viewing.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

In Harmonia Progressio


Playing together & having a laugh together.

Friday, April 04, 2008


My mother-in-law likes to see the taiwanese drama "At the Dolphin Bay" or a similar korean or japanese drama because she wants her grandchildren (hopefully) to be as handsome or pretty as the actor/actress in the drama. :))

When I'm looking at my daughter's faces, I'm not too sure if she gets her wishes come true but I know pretty sure that she loves her grandchildren very much. :D

As for me, I just like some of the songs in the drama such as this & this.



Nope, I'm not taking any classes again (for now). Not Ph.D, not German .. for now. I'm learning German auto-didactically now. Enjoying playing Football for fun (not just watching). Doing weekly & monthly assignments in fredmiranda forum although not consistently. Having fun with my family everyday doing anything. Trying to improve my knowledge about Children education auto-didactically. Plus some other stuffs.

Those are my current activities. :D

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Happy Birthday, Celine

Semoga engkau menjadi anak yang sholihah & berguna bagi orang banyak. Amiin.


No big party, just a small family dinner outside. The picture will be uploaded in a few days. Still in RAW format.