Everyday You are My Love and My Sunshine

Friday, December 28, 2007

Like Father, Like Daughter


"In families with two working parents,fathers make important contributions to children’s early language skills.Results from a new study by FPG Child Development Institute show that children whose fathers’vocabulary was more varied when they were two,had greater language skills at age three.Mother’s vocabulary was not found to have a significant impact on children’s language skills. The findings are published in the November/December 2006 issue of the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology."

Let's see, i don't know how rich my vocabulary is and when i say rich vocabulary, it means having it, using it, expressing it, and so on. Maybe reading aloud Alice in Wonderland or The Secret Garden to my daughters would suffice? I'm not sure, but you can't blame me for trying, can you? :-P

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Belajar itu Menyenangkan


Baca wikipedia yg ini jadi ingat sma deh. Dulu paling nggak suka deh ama yg namanya biologi. Mungkin karena menganggap pelajaran ini (dan beberapa pelajaran lain) sebagai beban ya. Apalagi kalau disuruh menghafal, jadi lebih tidak bisa menikmati (dibandingkan dengan sekedar membaca tanpa ada prospek ulangan atau hafalan).
Pelajaran lain misalnya Bahasa Indonesia dengan tugas membaca Layar Terkembang (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1494305.Layar_Terkembang), atau sejarah.

Setelah sma & kuliah (setelah keluar sekolah), topik2 seperti biologi (science umumnya) atau sejarah menjadi topik yg 'enak' dibaca. Ya itu tadi karena kita tidak lagi dibayangi oleh adanya ulangan (exam, ujian) atau dihantui oleh kewajiban menghafal apa yang kita baca.
Bahkan dibandingkan pelajaran2/topik2 favorit saya (matematika, fisika) saat sma, topik2 'pinggiran' ini justru lebih sering bergesekan dengan kehidupan saya dalam bentuk bacaan novel, majalah, film, serial televisi, dsb.

Tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahwa kadang2 menghafal itu perlu dan ujian itu perlu untuk mengukur kemampuan, tapi mungkin itu juga perlunya kreatifitas seorang guru dan pemahamannya akan dunia muridnya sehingga apa yang perlu disampaikan dapat dikemas sesuai dengan pendengarnya. Dengan begini sang guru dan terutama sang murid dapat menikmati pelajaran2 yang terasa membosankan.


Friday, December 21, 2007

But where can I buy another you?

One of my favorite songs by Carpenters, by the late Karen, beautiful voice of hers. Thanks to my uncle (Pakde) for playing their musics when i was not even in primary school.

(A Place To) Hideaway

I've got to find a place to hideaway
Far from the shadows of my mind
Sunlight and laughter, love ever after
For how I long to find a place to hideaway

I hear you whisper and I must obey,
Blindly follow where you'll be
Knowing tomorrow brings only sorrow
Where can I go to find a place to hideaway

Bright colored pinwheels go round in my head
I run through the mist of the wine

The night and the music remind me instead
The world once was mine
I'll save my pennies for a rainy day
But where can I buy another you?
Dreams are for sleeping
Love is for weeping

Oh, how I long to find a place to hideaway

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rp 23 Triliun for Nothing?

I should have placed it in the link section, but maybe it's better here. :D

From Republika.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Three Clubs Progress: Liverpool, Milan, Madrid

Champions League Standings.

1st: Porto, Chelsea, Madrid, Milan, Barca, Manu, Inter, Sevilla
2nd: Liverpool, Schalke, Olymp, Celtic, Lyon, Roma, Fenerbahçe, Arsenal

Liverpool will have to face either Madrid, Milan, Barca, Manu, Inter, or Sevilla. A tough one! It makes the stadium full indeed.

Hopefully: Liverpool vs Inter, Milan vs Fener, Madrid vs Arsenal yeaaaaah.......... !

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Arriving Tonight

The first ones belong to Celine & the second one belongs to Wina. They have not been used and have been sitting there idle for a week. Celine & Wina is in Jakarta at the moment, supposed to be until 27.12 but they have to cut it short & they will be arriving in Singapore tonight because there is a Muntaber outbreak in Cilincing or Lagoa, North Jakarta and the flood season striking Jakarta again.

